Heaven is more than Stephen’s explanation that he will be playing a harp on a cloud while talking to Ronald Reagan. With the help of…
Conservative columnist George Will has stepped up to the plate to decry the recent Supreme Court dissenters on the 5 to 4 ruling that the…
The fear of Muslimy stuff caused the Obama Campaign to not allow two women wearing headscarf’s into an Obama rally the other day. The next…
Jon Stewart’s interview with Mike Myers raises important questions about pee pee, bum bums and masturbation.
Though a very well done political video I have to steer away from the conclusion that wealthy greedy Republicans are the cause of all our…
Here The Daily Show finds one answer to why Iowa has gone under, George Bush hates White People! When the Bible was written I don’t…
This past weekend Dallas hosted the Texas Republican Party Convention. It went as one would expect, screeching about immigrants, praising war, and blaming the failed…
Last November Pasadena, Texas home owner Joe Horn was told to sit tight after he called 911 to report a mid day burglary going on…
A Peabody Award for Stephen Colbert! A very prestigious award as Bill O’Reilly has gone on record lying about getting one back when he was…
The big question of course is why God is punishing rural conservative God Fearing Iowa and Illinois with horrible floods and diasaters as California is…
On the ten year anniversary of the three Racists in Jasper, Texas dragging James Byrd Jr behind their truck until his head snapped off, the…
A new website funded by the Obama campaign is taking on the rumors, slander and lies that the GOP is pushing out on Barack Obama…
”I have signed on to be a part of the Fox News Channel family. I hope to bring the unique perspective from “inside the dragon’s…
No Negroes in your last two movies! Shut your face! Eastwood Wins!
Stephen Colbert addresses the elitist status of Barack Obama as told by Latte Drinking Media Elitists. New York Times conservative columnist David Brooks says Obama…