The website is up and so far Lou Dobbs for President has collected $32,000! Lou Dobbs For President The question is if a coalition of…
Rewriting the Constitution more to Mike Huckabee’s relation with Jesus AND a 30% sales tax moving the tax burden further onto the middle class. And…
The Republican answer to illegal immigrants is now being called "attrition". Build a double wall fence 2000 miles long with a gigantic multi-faceted police force…
After the big disappointments of watching Jon Stewart give both Lou Dobbs and John Bolton free rides in interviews of late, Jon made up for…
Rush Limbaugh began all this crap twenty years ago with the term feminazi. He stole the word from a caller in the late 1980’s when…
Next year at this time will anyone miss that rush of embarrassment of being an American whenever George W Bush opens his mouth?
A GOP Numbers Crunch By George F. Will Sunday, January 13, 2008 The first year of the 2008 campaign — think about that — has…
January 15, 2008 Republicans Brawl, Democrats Yawn By David Brooks Here are a few things that happened Tuesday night. First, it was a good night…
Unlike Rush limbaugh, Mr. Colbert – who has been chosen by Mike Huckabee as his Vice Presidential running mate – has become a bias source…
Ann Coulter had a "bad man" week of late. First her love life went all to Hell when her two month relationship with Democrat and…