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Stephen Colbert Thompson versus Huckabee

Unlike Rush limbaugh, Mr. Colbert – who has been chosen by Mike Huckabee as his Vice Presidential running mate – has become a bias source of entertainment! Here Stephen goes against the grain of the GOP establishment (Rush Limbaugh) spinning it 180 degrees out of whack.

If you have not been listening to Mr. Limbuagh of late – or his sidekick Sean "Stan Laurel" Hannity – this is all you need to know. Fred Thompson! Fred Thompson! Fred Thompson! With Mitt Romney and Rudy being okay.

What is unusual is the hateful vitriolic attacks Limbaugh makes upon McCain and Huckabee, the two winners thus far. What will Rush do after Feb 5th if one of these is the nominee? Campaign for Hillary Clinton?

Limbaugh is on a rampage about the liberal infiltration of the Republican Party, that only Fred Thompson is a true conservative. That there must be no deviation from conservative ideology, NONE, AT ALL, EVER. War with whoever we want whenever we wish, more and more tax breaks for the wealthy, do nothing about health care or a failing infrastructure and of course more guns, torture and peeking on one another.

This was best summed up by Mitt Romney in one of the first debates when he so loudly and proudly proclaimed that we need TWO Gitmos to deny rights and torture prisnors rather than just the one! Two for me none for you! The Twix Party! With that it is easy to see what Rush Limbaugh is after. Another four years of George W. Bush but twice as bad. Sounds like a real winner! GO RUSH GO!

Side note – On Fox News Sunday Rudy Giuliani who is in deep doo-doo tried to save his campaign by reaching in his coat pocket to pull out his master plan to save himself and the nation. A tax break of 28% for those making $100,000 and 36% for those making $200,000! Even conservative Chris Wallace whinced at the progression of it. Had he persued that we would have found that once anyone reached $1,000,000 a year they would be getting money back form the government. But there it is. What has been the Republican answer to everything now for 25 years! The wealthy need our help.

And you know, the Giuliani campaign is not made up of a bunch of idiots, they know that’s how Republicans think. Reduce MY TAXES, nothing else really matters.