“And there he was, the grand master flash of crazy non evidentiary nonsense lecturing the Republicans on reality,” Bill Maher explains Pope Francis’ failings to…
The three most powerful Right-wing whackos in America, Catholics one and all, boycotted Pope Francis speech to Congress yesterday as they do not want to…
Conan interrupts his program to bring viewers ‘live’ footage of the action as police pursue a runaway Pope-mobile! When we first see Pope Francis, the…
Pope Francis sleeps through the National Anthem with no salute or hand over chest which had it been anyone else, Republicans would have kicked the…
Who doesn’t like that New York rat loving that New York pizza, which begs the question, if the election were held today would you for…
Ted Cruz who leads the fight against homosexuals and gay marriage says he is only about following the constitution, that because there is no marriage…
See Kim Davis – or at least someone who looks like her – singing the titles of songs from her up coming Christian album, Songs…
This Funny or Die video is cute and all, but holyhockeylockers it sure helps put a much needed end to Rand Paul and his silly crap.…
It’s that time of year, and on this week’s Funny or Die Exclusive ‘Good God with God!’ God welcomes his special guest Satan, to talk …
Hey Chris, what’s so funny, “Psychics you know are not really clairvoyant, they are con artists who know how to read subtle behavioral clues, like…
Bill Maher injects Donald Trump’s sexism and bigotry into the Bible which already overflows with it though in a less funny manner. Which begs the…
“What is this obsession Republicans have with wanting unqualified people to run the free world, he separated Siamese twins, the country needs someone who brings people together…
Michael Moore’s new documentary WHERE TO INVADE NEXT concerns what Americans hate most, hearing any advice from OTHER COUNTRIES on how to solve economic and social problems. Much like…
Bernie Sanders had the balls to go into the belly of the Beast at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University to give his stump speech to 12,000 evangelical Christian college…
“When someone sends you jizz through the mail it’s time to stop doing whatever it is your doing,” Wanda Jo of The Church of Our Lady…