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Chet the Confederate defends Welfare for Real Americans, FOD

chet the confederate on welfareChet the Confederate – who used to be called Chet Steeler – gives his spin on how REAL Americans can benefit from Welfare. Or to put it more honestly, welfare for white people is a good thing.

Seems you only have to follow a few steps to make welfare work for you.  Change you diet to road kill, stop masturbating to the net, and work the pole.

The big question here is just how many Chet Steelers are there and how many of them vote.  If you live down this way your answer will be MOST PEOPLE and the ones not using meth DO VOTE. If you live some hundreds of miles North of here, you many think there are 17 of them – all of whom are too stupid to know what vote means.

But in our defense, we have the weather, the ocean and that priceless Einstein relativity thing where the day we move down here from up North, our IQ rises by 50 points.  From that point on, you have to wisely deal with always being the smartest one in the room. A heavy burden that is for the most part left secret, as they all have guns and are esaily angered.  Ego sagging? COME ON DOWN!