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Chris Matthews with Evangelical Christian Pinhead Robert Jeffress

Even with the sound off this pinhead still comes off as a pinhead. With the sound on notice the Evangelical Articulation. This exaggerated mouthing and simple words withing simple syntax is absolutely necessary for the Republican Base to get the general drift of what it actually means to be a pinhead. 

His defense is that 70% of Protestant ministers think Mormonism is a cult so it must be true. No, all that means is 70% of Protestant ministers are intolerant pinheads just like he is.

It’s a long video, but about half way through Pastor Pinhead gets down to the real nitty gritty of it all.

The problem with Mormonism is that it is a WORKS based religion. A religion of actions, deeds and doings. Which is an abomination to FAITH BASED religion where actions, deeds and doings don’t mean a GODDAMN THING. All that matters is mouthing simple minded crap to nitwits that all that matters is how much they pray, how intensely they believe and how much money they send.

And there lies the true abomination of American Evangelical Christianity. All that matters is intensity of belief. And that my friends is about as low as theology can go. It is a step below a Cult.