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Christians abhor insurance mandate to cover birth control

OMG! Tear up the Constitution! The 1st Amendment no longer apples! We are living under a Godless totalitarian socialist state! It is the end of the world. The end of Obama and Obamacare! So say not only a the never married old men of Rome, but protestant evangelical Christians are even angrier! OMG! 

Next thing you know there will be Godless totalitarian socialists telling us where we can and cannot build a Church, a Synagogue or a Mosque! OMG! Can you imagine a more drastic war on religion that that? ell NO!

This thing we have going on now only mandates coverage for birth control insurance, not birth control itself, or abortion or anything in between.  UNLIKE being forced and mandated to build that GODDAMN Mosque somewhere other than HERE. What form of atheist animal would promote such an irreligious, evil government dictate upon a free people. They should be locked up and force fed the US CONSTITUTION 24/7 for at least the next 35 years. 

BTW, did you know that in the Sherman State of Georgia they have a state mandate for this very same thing law, as do 25 other states? 

No birth control for Catholics is not a moral issue it is the biggest IMMORAL issue in the world today. It increases poverty, hopelessness, starvation, disease and violence more than any other policy in the world. Why can’t someone say that? Other than a few people on tiny little blogs?