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Christmas Dinner discussion advice from Rack Jite

Christmas Dinner discussion advice from Rack Jite

.First off, if they keep quiet then you keep quiet too. There is some talk of it being a good idea to discuss rather than debate the issues over Christmas dinner. Don’t get personal. Which leaves what?  Facts, data, truth and the real news. All of which they refuse to accept or laugh away. Unless you are versed in INFOWARS, FOX NEWS and TALK RADIO you are out of luck. But If someone starts up or is wearing a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN reach out to them with this discussion.

“Okay Okay. You knowingly voted for a vulgar, vindictive, bigoted, narcissistic flim-flam man who has no desire to read or learn anything about his new job as President of the United States. Because he tells you he is a genius who knows more than not only all the Generals but that everyone is stupid. Well looking across the table it seems at least he got that mostly right. This means, that you are either dumber than the mashed potatoes you are shoveling into your mouth or you have become so consumed by hatred and bigotry that you can no longer think rationally.”


“But hey, at least we don’t have that over qualified smart uppity witch who spent her life in public service mostly watching out for women and children. Rather you choose Donny Little Dick who never looked out for anyone but himself in his life and never will. He has already succeeded in TRUMP branding your head with that stupid hat, and I am sure his legacy will be TRUMP branding the White House and anything else he can paste his name on.”