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Clarence Thomas votes to strip search little school girls

You know as far as an American in power goes, there is no one worse than Clarence Slappy Thomas. The nomination process turned this small minded conservative benefactor from Affirmative Action into a scorned right-wing liberal hating woman despising self loathing intolerant Christian douchebag. A black man who hates black people to such an extent the very top of his enemy list is not only NOW Affirmative Action, but Civil Rights legislation and the NAACP and his desire to overturn Brown v Education for Chrissake. A repulsive foul pig of a man…Oops, can I talk about Rush Limbaugh’s best friend like that? Without Radio Talk show host Michael Savage threatening to announce my address and phone number on the air? Republican talk show host Michael Savage Cyberstalker Video

Today the Supreme court wished to sent a message by rendering a rare unanimous decision giving a loud NO to the government strip searching little school girls for little reason. Sadly it turned out to be an 8 to 1 decision with even right-wing lunatic Antonin Benito Scalia on board. Clarence Slappy Thomas was the one dissenting vote. History take note. George H. Bush take note. More on this creepy crawler here on Kick!