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Climate Control Hoax so what, Pett

The GOP the party of crapting in the nest. Even animals know better, worms even…

And the GOP is also the party of war, torture, guns, executions, swagger and the advocate for the Banking lobby, the derivatives lobby, the Wall Street lobby, Health Insurance lobby, Oil and Gas lobby, bigots, creationists, birthers, tea baggers, religious fundamentalists and of course a wholes! And if that were not enough, they are now spending their political capital on doing whatever they can to destory the very Earth they live on. For a buck…  As Jesus instructed.

I think it comes down to what I told my kids when they were in grades school and would come home on occasion (election years) upset that they were Democrats when everyone else at school here in Dumbutt was a Republican. 

I would answer "Its really up to you what you are, not me or your mother. What do YOU think is more important, money or people? If your answer is "people" then you are a Democrat."

It really is that simple…