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Clueless Gamer: Conan, Alex Morgan Review ‘Just Dance 4’

Conan The Clueless Gamer & USA Soccer gold medalist Alex Morgan test "Just Dance 4" in epic dance battle In tech cornerĀ  today we observe as gazelle-like Conan O’Brien ‘The Clueless Gamer’ and Olympic gold medal winning athlete, Alex Morgan review “Just Dance 4.”

No longer do hours of game playing necessarily equal an unhealthy obsession with Hot Pockets, an indoor pallor matched only by prisoners in solitary confinement and a stunning lack of physical strength and stamina. Do we have a generation doomed to carpal tunnel syndrome by 12 years of age and no love of movement? Maybe.

“Just Dance 4” is a game even First Lady Michelle “Just Move” Obama can get behind. What’s not to like? Everyone gets up off of their floor pillows, and alone or in the company of others – Just Dances! What could possibly go wrong? A sweaty Conan thoroughly investigates the latter.