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CNN reports Heaven is real because 4 year old says so

This video is from a few months ago. Someone had forwarded it to me and I didn’t think much of it, after all, it was Megan Kelly on Fox News.

This morning at about 7am CST, I turned on CNN and got a newer and even more absurd version of this crazyass crap. So it is not just Fox News who says Christian Heaven is real because a 4 year old boy says so, but also CNN. No mainstream media source or politician can question Christian religious faith in the United States. It will not be tolerated.

Some of the highlights are that Jesus helped the boy with his homework, everyone has wings except Jesus who instead rides a white horse that is like a rainbow, and he met his [God aborted] sister who told him she died in Mommy’s tummy.

Far be it from me to question a 4 year olds’ heavy homework load or that his parents most certainly told him previously that his sister died in Mommy’s tummy. Or make hay that his Evangelical Christian Fundamentalist father is cashing in on a book about this. For after all, if the "most respected" cable news network in the world says Heaven is real because a 4 year old says it is, how can anyone in their right mind question it?

This is the same kind of American Exceptionalism that causes us most of us to believe that evolution is a myth, Global Warming a lie, and 30 round clips are no problem. It’s called the "American dumbcrap gene."  Brought to you by 30 years of 24/7 Right wing talk radio and the Republican Party. Fox News is only 15, so they are only half to blame.