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Colbert: Hamlet the Gay Socialist Teacup Pig


What does gay have to do with it. What does gay have to do with anything? What did Jesus say about gay? What did our founding Fathers say about gay? Or abortion for that matter?  Where does all this intolerant crap come from anyway?  It come from men who throughout history made a living or a profit from make believe. Most all of them sexually repressed old men. There was Jesus and his dozen boy friend wandering the Holy Land in dresses. Then the worst of the bunch, Paul who was a reformed libertine sex addict who preached sex was even wrong and dirty between married couples. Then thousands of self castrated monks who translated and wrote the Bible. Popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests who were not allowed to have sex except with little boys. And not to forget the Holy Roller hypocritical preachers cheating on their wives and choking the Bishop in motel rooms.

And now Evangelical Christianity has come to be all about sex too. Abortion, birth control, contraception, homosexuality, prom, prostitutes… Hell, Christian Republicans impeached a President because he had enough respect for women to UNLIKE a high school kid, brag to everyone that Monica gave him a BJ. Clinton did the right and honorably thing. WE DO NOT TELL THE WORLD WHO BLEW US! Gosh…

How soon we forget.  It’s not George W Bush, or Mitt Romney or Sarah Palin, its REPUBLICANS.

Hamlet the teacup gay pig colbert