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Colbert, Obama caves on everything so now GOP will love him!

"I can’t wait for all those tax rates to stay the same so I can create all those jobs." Stephen Colbert who makes more than $250,000 a year.

The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30cThe
Word – Unrequited Gov
Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 ElectionMarch to Keep Fear Alive

Well its a win-win-win-win for Republicans! Which will result in Americans getting just what they voted for a month ago.

How about MEANS VOTING? Upwards of 40% of the unemployed voted Republican last time round. So why not keep records of how we vote and save money by not extending those individuals unemployment benefits. It is what they voted for after all. Or are they really that stupid? We report you decide.


All Americans who vote for Republicans should hand over their Social Security to Hedge Fund managers. And of course keep them from having any health insurance when they are out of work or cannot afford it. It goes without saying they will be opted out of Medicaid.

It wont’ be so bad for them at all. We will have the new GOP House pass a bill to send each and every American who voted for Republicans a FREE (postage free) American flag lapel pin, a FREE Bible and a FREE dashboard Jesus they can shove up their ass.