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Colbert, Tea Party Plan to stop Education success in S. Carolina

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word – Disintegration
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This is what is meant when someone uses the term "Reactionary" to describe white Southern politics. This Tea Party crap is no different than the the John Birch Society in he 50s or the segregationists of the 60s, it’s the same ole reactionary crap under a new name and new semantics. Much like how creationism is always changing their semantic argument to the same silly crap they have been pushing since some smartass named Darwin figured it all out. They hate smartasses!

Sidenote: My pal Bubba came be last night all liquored up. He didn’nt complain once about "Obamacare", but was spitting mad about "nwordcare". He claims that’s what everyone calls it down here in dumbutt. But he was just drunk and as you know, drunks don’t ever say things they really mean, so I paid him no never mind.