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Jon Stewart, Sarah Palin the Petty Woman Palindrome

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Petty Woman
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What should stand out in this video is not so much what a petty self absorbed intellectually challenged nastyass Right-wing gunloon Sarah Palin happens to be which is very old news, but the statement by Sean Hannity on "fair and balanced" Fox News said that though the media and those on the left have been uncivil and unfair to poor innocent Sarah, "I really don’t hear you complaining a lot about it."

There you go! My God man, that passes so far beyond the silly fair and balanced crap Fox News clings to – just as their audience clings to Guns and God (which both need capitalizing now here in America) into the realm of the anti-truth. It is not just a lie, but the direct opposite of the truth. Only three words need to be said about that. Lame Stream Media.

I also want to strongly disagree with Jon Stewart and all in the media who are playing the song that  Sarah Palin’s cross hair graphics and lock and load rhetoric have nothing to do with what happened in Tuscon.

There is at least one other person who agrees with me on this which Stewart and company seem to ignore.

Whenever I see that video – now with a bullet hole through Gabby’s head from an NRA and Republican sponsored 30 round clip – I want to copy it onto a VHS tape and shove it sideways up the butt of anyone who says Sarah Palin is an innocent victim in all this. Oops, sorry, I forgot that in this new time of political civility shoving a tape up someone’s butt is THE SAME AS and EQUAL TO calling for 2nd Amendment remedies. I apologize..