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Colorado Students Protest Lame Tea Party Curriculum

Colorado Students Strip to Protest Lame Teaparty Curriculum

Colorado students will continue to protest in the clothesless before they will study History curriculum ‘revised’ by a  meddlesome conservative school board!  The guidelines run counter to actual American history, and leaves out other vital aspects and events. The board claims the proposed ‘redesign’ will –  “promote citizenship, patriotism essentials and benefits of the free-market system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights.”
Furthermore – and this is golden, they do not “encourage or condone civil disorder, social strike or disregard of the law.”
In one fell swoop, the Tea Party dolts would eliminate all that brought this country into being, and all that has made for positive change since.

Teachers and students are not going to stand still for having their curriculum destroyed by  the conservative propaganda of a few nitwits. On a more insidious note, if conservatives could drill the above ideas into the heads of students, they would have a silent mass of malleable drones, lacking free thought, much less the desire to defend their rights. They have long sought to infiltrate school boards across the country. Apparently this is an example of the ‘improvements’ they have in mind on a wide scale.

Fortunately conservatives underestimated Colorado students and teachers.  Teachers led the way with a “sick-out” on Friday, calling in ill to fight against the effort to mold Colorado’s youth into unthinking Tea Party bots. On Monday, thousands of students walked out of class, in a demonstration that defied the very tennets laid out by the school board…which you’ll recall discourages any materials which “encourage or condone civil disorder, social strike or disregard of the law.”  Well done, Colorado students!

The demonstrations, which have passed the fourth day, will not stop until all attempts by right wing meddlers to tamper with their education have ended. It was heart warming to see thousands of students lining the streets, carrying signs, flags and patriotic slogans. Some free spirits stripped off their clothes, while carrying signs challenging the school board to “censor this!”
Will freedom reign? The school district is open to student input, and Superintendent Dan McMinimee has met with 75 students about the low standards proposed by the conservative school board, and his door remains open.