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Colton Barnes, Fun with legal guns in Mt Rainier National Park!

Those who really really want a gun are the very ones who should really really not be allowed to have one.

In this WE ARE THE NRA self portrait, Colton Barnes, one of our finely supported troops as was Timothy McVeigh, is pictured here with just a small bit of his "arsenal" of legal weaponry which he legally took into one of our national parks to play with. 

The one handed weapon has one of those NRA approved "Arizona Loughner" 20 round clips and the BFG there seems to have an 80 round clip. That’s about double the weaponry of world class al Qaeda terrorists. This arsenal is promoted and celebrated by the NRA. 

What the media fails to explain is that these kind of guys are everywhere  numbering in the millions. The NRA gives them voice and celebration while our media and politicians, including the President, pee their pants in fear of them.

My God, a twenty round clip for a handgun and there is no one who can yell THAT EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES, even children are sore afraid. As we just had the largest gun under the tree Christmas of all time, Christ and guns.  It is insane.

You know, in my 20 years on the road I often had reps from all over the world in my car for a few days at a time. No matter where they were from, there were three things they just could not get past: The guns, the silly religious crap and the visual borders between wealth and poverty downtown. Head shaking disbelief!  But… They always flipped for dinner because the fourth thing they could not get past is how cheap it is to eat out in America! All that carnage, violence, injustice and silly intolerance is made up for with a cheap chicken fried steak. 

Oh, and it seems first Mr. Barnes shot up a few people at a party during a "gun argument" before ran into a National Park where the NRA recently won the battle as a place where 20 round machine pistols and 80 round assault rifles are welcome, you know a place where there are lots of children. Mt Rainer Gunman

"Sgt. Cindi West, King County Sheriff’s spokesperson, said late Sunday that Barnes was connected to an early-morning shooting at a New Year’s house party in Skyway, Wash., south of Seattle that left four people injured, two critically. That incident happened about 3 a.m., and stemmed from an argument over a gun.