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Confederate flag versus guns

Confederate flag versus guns

Yesterday afternoon here in Texas I had the new experience of following a pickup truck some ten miles that had a three foot confederate flag whap-whap-whapping on a pole behind the cab. It was rush hour and I saw no thumbs up or happy honking from anyone else. I assumed that even here in Texas, I like every other driver taking notice is all I wanted to do was pass the truck to see what a really stupid person looked like. He looked just like you would expect him look, stupid.

This is something I suspect we may all see more of no matter where we live, as more than anything the confederate flag is a symbol of stupid.

Sure the confederate flag symbolizes our Southern heritage of slavery, racism, Jim Crow, segregation, sedition, treason, surrender and above all a personal direct slap in the face of any African American in view, but we often forget that it is also a universal symbol of losers, morons, guns, whiteness and trailer parks.

So one things’ sure, no matter where you live you will be seeing more of this ugly symbol because we there is not shortage of stupid here in America. Proof in the pudding?

70% of Republicans have a favorable view of Donald Trump.