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Conservative Columnist Kathleen Parker Attacks the Religious Right and Lives

kparker Conservative pundit Kathleen Parker wrote a column yesterday that is perhaps the harshest whack on the Republican Religious Right thus far. Well from a conservative Republican anyway, and as of this moment she still appears to have not been shot or hung, as far as we know.

The so called Base of the Republican Party is Based upon just a few simple issues: Denying women the RIGHT to choose to have an abortion, denying gay men and women the same RIGHTS  as heterosexuals enjoy, cranking up the execution chambers, and what is sure to become their central rallying point in the days to come; rounding up our poorest workers, splitting up their families, jailing them and their children and then deporting them. Oh, and to round it all off, ensuring they can all go down to the Happy Hollar Gun Show to buy all the semi automatic machine pistol with overlarge ammo magazines to make sure the work of Jesus is enforced properly.

I dare you to find Jesus, God or anything Good in any of that disgusting hateful crap at all. It’s the stuff of Hillbillies who are more in league with Satan that Jesus Christ. These people belly laugh while farting profusely when they hear such words as PEACE, LOVE, EQUALITY, MERCY or any form of ALTURISM. The very things Christianity was based upon for Christ Sake!  Gosh… What mindless goobers… 

I am sure Ms Parker will soon be doing a follow up on yesterday’s column including examples of the hate mail and filthy threats it will have generated from these kind followers of Jesus Christ. I have to give Kathleen Parker credit for a few zingers she managed in her column Religious conservatives dragging down the GOP:

As Republicans sort out the reasons for their defeat, they likely will overlook or dismiss the gorilla in the pulpit. Three little letters, great big problem: G-O-D. I’m bathing in holy water as I type…

The GOP has surrendered its high ground to its lowest brows…

Let’s do pray that God shows Alaska’s governor the door…

Anyone watching the two conventions last summer can’t have missed the stark differences: One party was brimming with energy, youth and diversity; the other felt like an annual Depends sales meeting…

Either the Republican Party needs a new base — or the nation may need a new party…

Which leaves the GOP with what Ms Parker? The party of less government, unregulated free market economics, lowering taxes for the wealthy and a pre emptive war policy.  Wow…  

So I don’t know where the Republican Party is going or where it will end up. But a few hints came by this past week as three Republicans have thrown their hats into  the ring for President in 2012.  Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich, all of whom are all playing to the Hillbilly Base.