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Conservatives emailing clothesless pictues of Obama’s Mother

On most any day you can tune in Rush Limbaugh to find that conservatives have finally bottomed out! Only to give him reprieve when you later open up you email to find something like this. This is just the text accompanying what are said to be clothless photos of President Obama’s dead mother. The nature of the conservative Beast has no bottom.

Recognize this woman?
Can you identify this woman?
A famous prom star?
A stripper?
A layout in a cheap men’s magazine?
Perhaps a hooker?
Don’t recognize her? Here’s another view.
Still can’t guess her identity? Well, here’s one more picture.
Does she look familiar?
Give up?
This is Barack Obama’s MOTHER!  Many, many years before she died of cancer, unable to afford the medical care she needed, thanks to her son’s dopey Universal Health Care package.
Can you imagine the widespread play these pictures would be getting by the liberal, homo-loving, baby-killing, draft-dodging, dope-smoking liberal mainstream media if this had been John McCain’s geriatric old mother, or Sarah Palin’s mother? But you won’t ever see these pictures anywhere in a regular media outlet anymore than you’ll see the liberal, Bible-thumping mainstream media making a big deal out of the fact that Bristol Palin is now the proud mother of an illegitimate baby whose father is a meth-head high-school dropout.  It’s Family Values at it’s finest, America!
Oh, and keep reminding yourself that Obama is the first
LACK President of the United States . Yeah, right. Her ass is whiter than MY mom’s…

Even if these were real, the argument that liberals did the same to Dr. Laura Schlessinger is bullcrap. Liberals published clothesless pictures of Dr LauraNOT HER MOTHER – because of her profound hypocrisy regarding preaching family values and her extreme sexual intolerance. 

False Urban Legend. Pictures not of Obama’s mother but of model Marcy Moore. Obama Naked mother at Snopes.

Dear President Obama,

I hope this helps you understand why so many of us are taken so far aback when you reach out to Republicans in bipartisanship.
Many of us wonder if you may be out of your frigging mind.
What you see here is their NATURE with their issues no better.
Even in the full light of TODAY they still pound their jungle drums for LESS government, LESS financial regulations, LESS taxes on the wealthy, denying women reproductive rights, denying gays the same rights as anyone else, claiming climate change is a hoax,  that environmentalists are communists, that we have to round up and dport all them damn Mexicans, putting religion above science, selling more handguns and assault rifles, executing more people, more war, more prisons, more torture all in the name of God. And… AND STILL wanting to privatize Social Security for Christsake!

My God man, not only have they changed not one nanonit, but they are on the wrong side of the electorate on every issue. It seems that Republicanism has found its proper place on the trash heap of history next to Feudalism, Communism and Fascism.

YOU won this election so please just step over all that smarmy darkness coagulating around their heads and walk us into the bright light of day.