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Cops, Firefighters turn on Walker and GOP in labor fight

Police and firefighters have long supported the GOP – an anomaly for union members, who traditionally support Democrats. That is all changing, and it is because of Republicans. When Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and other GOP Governors made teachers and collective bargaining a target, they opened the floodgates for breaking other unions as well.

Chuck Canterbury, the national president of the Fraternal Order of Police, said his members are “shocked” by the turn of events, and vows that a backlash is coming. "We are going to hold them accountable."

"Who are these evil teachers who teach your children, these evil policemen who protect them, these evil firemen who pull them from burning buildings? When did we all become evil?" said Canterbury, whose union endorsed Bush in 2000 and 2004 and John McCain in 2008. Read more about the GOP and unions.