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CPAC racist Scott Terry says Fredrick Douglas should thank his slave owner for food and shelter

 Scott terry cpac racistThey can't win for losing.  A discussion seminar called Trump The Race Card: Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You’re Not One? led by K. Carl Smith – one of those Right-wing African Americans who jingle when they walk from all the pieces of silver in their pockets – happened upon the truth as to why conservatives are so often called racist, ie, because they are. Racism and religious intolerance are what drives Republican politics. What about taxes you ask? Well they don't want to pay taxes to support lazy criminal African Americans who should thank their lucky stars someone bought them in the first place.

Attendee Scott Terry from one of those Carolina states got to the nub of the matter by telling us all how much he “LOVED his [white] people and culture.” To wit K. Carl Smith explained that Fredrick Douglas forgave his slave owner, to which Scott Terry replied, “For giving him shelter? And food?” And like it or not that is the prevalent view of most Southern White Men.  And probably Southern White Women as well.

What surprised me from living down this way for so long is that Scott did not preface his statements with “I am no Racist… ” or “I am tired of being called a racist but…” Down this way unless you personally owned a slave or personally burned a cross on someone's lawn you cannot possibly be a racist. That's part of the Southern Strategy.

The best response to these so called “people” is to ask them why, if Republicans are not racist, 94% of African Americans refuse to vote for them? Though one would think that is a trap, not so! The answer – which I read recently in our local newspaper by Larry Reams -is that 95% of African Americans have IQs below 60 and are members of the Communist Party. Oh, and 74% of Hispanics too. ANd you and me! The Texas Bay Area Citizen: Larry Reams Letter, The Onion or The Taliban?

Of course the argument from that side of things – as Rand Paul also argues –  completely ignores the oppressed vs oppressor question. That is what they call situational ethics so it should not be used.