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Crazyass Fox News GOP Presidential Debate

fox news clownsIn last nights GOP presidential debate, the moderators (I use that term loosely) from Fox News were turned out to be far better Right-wing candidates than anyone on stage with the possible exception of Right-wing Lunatic Tom Tancredo. All ten candidates were unanimous on expanding the war in Iraq forever if necessary and each unabashedly sucked up to Jerry Fawell, America’s most well known intolerant bigot and Christian Clown.
The Crazyass Fox News moderators could not hide their most beloved topic in the questions, make Guantanamo Bay the torture capital of the World. John McCain stood alone as the only candidate to decry torture while pretty boy Mitt Romney lit up to take the more popular conservative stand by saying he would double the size of Gauntanamo Bay and increase America’s role in torturing those who most needed torturing. McCain also was the only one to express a reasonable immigration policy and stuck to his guns regarding campaign finance reform. Mr. Giuliani in trouble for his recent settling upon women’s choice made up for his transgression by being the most blood thirsty of the bunch by advocating more war, killing, bombing and what have you. Rudi want to kill.
The second tier of candidates stuck with their standard evangelical intolerance, which would give them a better chance of getting elected in Iran rather than here. Ron Paul stood out from the rest as being the out of loop loopy lunatic.
The most raucous response from the deadly conservative audience and moderators came when Mike Huckabee when he attacked John Edwards for a $400 haircut! Oh the humanity. Conservatives always have been very concerned with haircuts.