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Daily Show Aasif Mandvi HOT DOGS WILL KILL YOU!

"Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made." Otto von Bismarck

I once had to make a business call on an Oscar Meyer plant North of Dallas. It had  fenced parking lot topped with barbwire and a guard hut. One needed to get phone permission to get in the building. Once in I asked the receptionist to see engineer BK who had called me. A purchaser came out pointing his finger at me saying I was trying to bypass his office to get on the floor, and that I and my company were now forever blackballed from entering or dealing with Oscar Meyer.

I had previously entered 5 nuclear power plants, Los Alamos and the Fermi accelerator with nothing near that level of security or angst.

Oscar Meyer does not want anyone to know that… Here it is… Hold on to your hat… That the only difference between a hot dog and baloney is the shape! There you go, cat’s out of the bag.

Though watching horse tails, chicken dicks and tons pig fat going into your food may have something to do with it. Oh no, not THE JUNGLE!

But please keep in mind this thing about Hot Dogs is based on STUDIES and SCIENCE and MEDICINE done by SMART PEOPLE, and there is nothing we dislike more in the United States of Duh than smarty pants. Herman Cain is still rising in the polls.