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Daily Show Al Madrigal and Constance Johnson make fools of Pro Life men

The trouble with this is that calling out hypocrisy and double standards does not have much of an impact on anyone anymore. We are not only saturated with it coming at us, but full of it coming out of us.

We suffer it daily on so many levels. How smart our kids are and stupid theirs are. How our country is so superior to all those other dirty places. Our team is better than their team no matter the score. We can start wars but they can’t. We can have nuclear weapons but not them. We can sent satellites into space but they are not allowed. Our spies are good while theirs are evil.

There is one of these trending now that gets me going as a veteran. The best selling non fiction book at the moment is about OUR snipers in the military. Our heroes who with long range high powered rifles shoot others through the head who are far away who are having a cup of tea. And the evil criminal bastards who do the same to us. Careful now, this is the direction that caused Bill Maher to be fired from ABC.

There are three things verboten in America. Any manner of disparaging our troops, religion or Jews/Israel. There is a price to be paid for any of that, especially for those in politics and the media. Even just bringing this up is problematic.