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Daily Show Al Madrigal and Jessica Williams do Affirmative Action with Mitt Romney

al madrigal jessica williams daily show affirmative actionAgain we have not the ROMNEY belief, but the REPUBLICAN belief that life is easier for Hispanics and African Americans. They get all the good jobs and take all our tax money to squander on microwaves, tvs and of course LOBSTER!  This IS THE REASON white working class Americans vote for Republicans even against their own self interest. It is of course CRAP, but such people believe in all sorts of crap.  Bigfoot, UFO abductions, Ghosts [holy and other wise], lake monsters and not to forget invisible men in the sky.  And there will always be lots and lots of scam artists out there making money from. Lots and lots and lots of money.

I remember back in 1996 when the WEB appeared!  Wow!  For the first time I could go actually see what the Klan, and the National Front, Skinheads and Aryan Nations were saying. Before that one had to have the literature come to your door, and who wants the black mailman to see that?

For the first 10 years THE ISSUE on the front page of all of the racist sites was the immediate destruction of Affirmative Action. Then several years ago  that went down to #2 as number ONE went to the police needing to break in doors and round up of about 12 million Hispanics. There you have the  two biggest issues of white power, racist and anti Semite organizations. All in the name of Jesus Christ of course.  Reducing taxes on the wealthy is 1st with Republicans, but second and third, well you can decide for yourself.