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Daily Show Bill Clintons North Korea Success no matter what Fox News says

And just last week Jon Stewart gave Bozo Bolton a free ride interview when he should have pulled the chair out from under him when he sat down.

Fox News and all but a very few Republican Senators and House members are these days playing exclusively to the Republican Base. Primaries! Primaries! Primaries! Well… And a central ideology of profound selfishness.  

Republican Base – Is that mix of Fundamentalist Fruitcakes, Southern Confederates, Northern Nitwits, NRA Nutjobs, Western Wingnuts, Birther Bigots and of course our newest gang of Right-wing Loonies, Tea Party cult members who have recently left our parks to infiltrate and disrupt town hall meetings at the specific directions of their radio host Cult Leaders. With all of it, ALL OF IT, seeping in racism which is far too conservatively incorrect to mention on television.  



Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker did say just that on MSNBC Hard Ball with Chris Mathews last night! Going so far as to say Sarah Palin is playing the race card.

You recall Ms Parker who received so much threatening obscene hate mail from her fellow Republicans last year when she wrote that Sarah Palin was not smart enough to be President. Well it looks like she may be having second thoughts on who and what she represents THESE DAYS.

In fact she seems to be in the throes of deciding whether to forgo her losing battle of trying to move the GOP out of the hands of the nutjobs and back into the hands of the bankers where it belongs. Could she do a Huffington? Or do we call that a Spector now?

Watching mainstream NEWS we so often see one crazyass Right-wing lunatic after another saying some of the most intolerant, selfish crap possible to the deadpan silence of the NEWS readers across the networks.

Except for one.

Since I began my boycott of CNN for giving creepy crawler  Lou Dobbs a platform for his nastyass crap, I switched over to Fox News. That didn’t last long for the danger my family suffered with so many objects being thrown at the TV. My sincerest apologies to Cat-Cat.

So about a year ago I switched over to MSNBC during the day where I found a NEWS dude who when some Right-wing nutcase said some Right-wing nutcase crap he would call them out on it. It was so very refreshing!

Oops, should I say he USED to because now the Right-wing nutjobs are aware of him and know to stay away. For they know only too well that questioning their nutjob crap makes it all seem like… Well, like nut job crap!

Anyway, I respect the guy no matter word got out on him. His name is David Shuster.