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Daily Show John Oliver searches for the Good Old Days

This one hits home, a classic… 

What we have there is another proof that there is indeed a biological cause for right-wing crapism. They are born with no POV gene (point of view).

Without that gene Republicans are able to go back in time, to what John Oliver has found to actually be their childhoods, to rave about how great things used to be for middle class white children.

To listen to them one has to believe there was never any slavery, no child labor, no Depression, no slavery, no Jim Crow, no WW2, no McCarthyism, no polio, no duck and cover, no cold war, no misogyny, no assassinations, no Vietnam, no Kent State, no Watergate, no recessions, no unemployment, no racism, no homophobia, no hostages, no AIDS, no gas lines, no malaise, no contras et al.

And you know the zinger in all this? About the only time things were the best of times were when Bill and Hillary Clinton were in charge.