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Daily Show John Oliver, the Sarah Palin Bus Interviews

Do you want to get on her, and ride her for hours and hours and hours?
She’s big and spacious once you get inside her.

Here is the joke about Ms Bloody Bimbo Palin. Just this week she looked into the lame stream media cameras to bumble the most inane Paul Revere is in the NRA crap imaginable. TWICE!

Then, from a gaudy godawful behemoth of a bus – with her name splashed across it in 4 foot letters and with that bus pulling up a few miles away for Mitt Romney’s announcement for President – Ms Bloody Bimbo and and her Brat Piper took the lame stream media to task for following her around. Earth to Sister Sarah. If it were not for the lame stream media you would be selling Amway in Wasila.

Here is what NO JOKE joke about Ms Bloody Bimbo. TENS of millions of ignorant armed hillbillies who accept whatever she says no matter how stupid or dishonest. In fact they sit around in their trailers watching reruns of Petticoat Junction while shoveling down roadkill, okra and shine, KNOWING full well she is a clueless bimbo and they do not care.

That process is called a CULT. The denial of reality in lieu of a charismatic leader.

Sarah Palin represents the Republican Base better than anyone else in the world. Well other than Santorum, Snookie and Elmer Fudd. The trick to her success has been bringing in the gunloons (NRA LIFE MEMBERS) into her personal base. That her NRA-SPEAK or hers permeates every speech and interview she does. Even the celebration of shooting wolves from an airplane. Gee…

Prediction as good as any: Sarah Palin will announce she is not running and become the new spokesman for the NRA and daughter Brat Piper will get the lead in the remake of THE BAD SEED.