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Daily Show Larry Wilmore makes a fool of Andrew Napolitano of Fox News

Since 1995 when Jeb Bush, with NRA Marian Hammer at his side, signed the Florida Stand your Ground law which spread across American legislatures by the NRA, 36% of White people shooting black people have been found not guilty of justifiable homicide cases while only 3% of black people shooting white people were found not guilty. In fact one Florida Lady who fired a round in the air to scare off her husband got 20 years to life.

larry wilmore makes fool of Andrew NapolitanoThe word “Lincoln” does not appear down here in Dumbutt on, or in, or around anything at all but a few car dealerships. And even that’s a hard pill for most here to swallow.

The South has something in common with the Russians and Eastern Europe. They topple statues of Lenin while we do our best to topple statues of Lincoln in federal parks. Old Abe is even more reviled than the communist sex offender Martin Luther King Jr. I am also willing to bet that if we took a vote of all White people in the South, if they had a choice of either Lincoln or Ted Nugent on Mount Rushmore they would pick the Nuge.

Much of the racism, bigotry and intolerance endemic of the South has more to do with Lincoln than the more common belief that it’s the white gravy. I do not write this from the corner of Lincoln Drive and FDR Boulevard, the sad reality is the name of the entrance to my subdivision is “Confederate Way.”

The gun enthusiasm, the castle doctrine and the stand your ground crap down here is not just about hoping to shoot unarmed Negro boys, it also applies to Yankees not minding their own business. A year from now even if Wendy Davis becomes governor, Texans will be able to OPEN CARRY weapons in churches, restaurants, NBA games, Rap Concernts, outside you house, at the gas station, and believe it or not, in bars. So if you do come for a visit do you best to slap on a gun bigger than what you expect to see here.