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Daily Show Michael Kosta gives us a lesson in Constitutional Law and Pardons

Daily Show Michael Kosta gives us a lesson in Constitutional Law and Pardons

Daily Show Michael Kosta gives us a lesson in Constitutional Law and PardonsWe gave Trump the power to pardon Sheriff Joe when 20% of us voted him in as president.

The flaw in the pardon power is also the flaw in our Founding Fathers who in the Federalist papers said there was nothing to worry about  because a president would be “a man of good sense and prudence.”  Nailed it!

Back in my school days the hardest courses I had were Con Law I and Con Law II. So many issues seemed to always come back to something called Marbury vs Madison.

Until that 1803 case the United States had only two viable branches of government, it did not become three until the Supreme Court gave itself the power to upend things from either the congress or the president.

We now have a President who we know damn well would throw Marbury vs Madison out the door in a New York minute.