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Daily Show, Texas limits Abortion Doctors to Doom, Who and Pepper

Daily Show, Texas limits Abortion Doctors to Doom, Who and PepperIf the now eight justices have in just two days supported abortion, gun control, affirmative action and birth control when one or two more liberals join the court we must expect the Republican Base to be up in arms, literally. This is what the guns are for.

The underside of the Texas abortion decision has the court confirming what bullpoop it is.

Of course everyone knows that these laws passed in evangelical controlled states regarding doctor admissions and clinic regulations under the auspices of women’s safety are all in your face bogus lies, but now thanks to the SCOTUS that fact is now officially confirmed.

Which bring to the front the larger issue that most everything the Republicans push is based on bullpoop. It is so hard for them to defend their positions that they have not choice but to either lie, change the subject, not answer the question or do a SO’S YER OLD LADY.

It’s GUT versus INTELLECT and in American GUT wins.