At first it seems to be fake news or a photoshopped graphic, but no, the picture of The Donald writing his inauguration speech on a new white legal pad at the help desk with a Sharpie in the Mar A Logo entrance hall is real. As Noah Trevor explains, it’s not a photo shoot, it’s an ad, like everything The Donald does is an ad for Donald Trump.
Well at least we have had a couple months of easing into what happens tomorrow with having a tweeting President President elect and the crowd of billionaires coming to run the country. All of whom are only concerned with making the lives of poor working stiffs tremendous, beautiful and terrific.
The trick for them will be how to benefit working class white people at the expense of poor and working class blacks, Hispanics, immigrants and keeping transgender children from wandering so far from home they can’t take a pee. As we call it here in Texas with Lt Governor and the Legislature soon passing the bathroom bill. The Pee Zone. The time and distance a person can leave home and return without having to pee. It’s, the right thing to do.