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Daily Show Wyatt Cenac, even Mexico has better health care than America

$330 a year pay in to be covered by Mexican state run health care system. OMG! Get to work on that fence! Take it higher! We must keep America’s vibrant under 65 (no Medicare) community from entering Mexico and destroying it by Speaking English!

I am sometimes taken to task for blaming too much of American politics upon race. I strongly believe that we have no form of universal health care because a close majority – or large minority  (depending upon region and rurality) – do not want any of their tax money spent on people LESS WHITE THAN THEY.

I learned in my readings today that the unemployment rate for African American college graduate men (10%) is double that of White college graduate men (5%). Could some Republican explain that for me please?

In my old life as a national sales manager for industrial tooling I participated in a generation of trade shows all over the country. Never once did I find a Black outside salesman. Could some Republican explain that for me please?

Yes. yes I know Barack Obama got elected. Well 46% of American Voters didn’t vote for him, and if you remove the Black and Hispanic vote you get about 65% of white people who did not vote for him. And that’s just voters, half of us.

So let me say it again. The reason the United States is the only nation on Earth without government health care for all is because White Americans do not want their tax money to go to people less White than they are.

For Republicans taxes are for three things: Locking up minorities, funding faraway wars and boat ramps for their bass boats.