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Darrell Issa to begin Congressional Witch Hunts on Democrats

"Please step away from the car." Darrell Issa’s voice from the Viper car alarm that made him the richest man in Congress.

California Congressman Darrell Issa will soon become the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee which he brags will  peruse criminal investigations into at least 2 White House Democrats per week for the next 40 weeks. New Chairman Seeks More Power for U.S. Watchdogs

"One of the most corrupt presidents in modern times." Darrell Issa referring to President Obama on the Rush Limbaugh Program just before the last election

Issa’s committee will not be the only one bringing criminal charges against White House Democrats.  Indiana Republican Jeff Espich will use the Ways and Means Committee, BP apologist Joe Barton will do the same as chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, and Alabama’s Spencer Bachus will use The Financial Services Committee to do the same. All will be used to not only indict Democrats in the White House but to repeal Health Care reform. 

Recall the first months of the Obama Administration when the President stated he would persue a policy of non partisanship by refusing to conduct political investigations or vendettas against the Bush Administration. Full in the face of his base clamoring for opening up the eight year of mistakes, lies and incompetence to the public.

You see the difference between Democrats and Republicans? In Christian terms that is called the nature of the Beast.

This is just a small part of what the Independent voters and the Democrat non voters asked for on November 2nd with eyes wide open. After all, Republicans are going to act like Republicans, who doesn’t understand that? Come on…

November 2nd was a mandate for Republicans to refuse extension  of unemployment benefits to millions out of work Americans losing their homes, their health insurance and having to pull their children out of college WHILE their hardest push is to give massive tax breaks to the wealthy – IN A TIME OF WAR. Not so long ago that would be considered treason.

Next up on the Republican agenda is the destruction of Health Care Reform. To  hand it all back to as system of profit on sick people’s misery. Deciding matters of life and death not upon justice or equality or fair play, but on who has the most money and the job with the best benefits. Something the entire world EXCEPT REPUBLICANS is horrified by.

And not to mention that in a few months they will be trying to destroy NPR, PBS, Social Security, Medicaid and of course every environmental law they can get their hands on. Republicans do best crapting in YOUR nest.

And now comes Republican Darrell Issa and the rest of the GOP to turn the House of Representatives into a courtroom full of investigations, subpoenas, and indictments of White House Democrats. All leading to what is sure to be the Tea Party Caucus call for the impeachment of our first black president. You Betcha.  It is what Americans wanted and voted for. After all 100% of elected officials keep telling us how intelligent the American voter is. Can 100% of our elected officials be wrong?