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Darren Wilson & George Zimmerman team up as singing duo

Darren Wilson & George Zimmerman team up as singing duoTalks are underway to team up Darren Wilson with George Zimmerman on an extended musical entertainment tour. Songs, comedy and yes, even some dancing is expected to be part of the 90 minute show.

Produced by Roger Ailes and Fox News, directed by Mel Gibson with live celebrity introductions by Rush Limbaugh, Wayne LaPierre, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Rick Perry and of course Clarence Thomas.

Since the announcement they have shows scheduled well into the post 2016 election season. Venues will include gun shows, pawn shop and gun shop book and album signings, police picnics, VFW halls, Tea Party rallies, State fairs, monster truck shows, Southern Heritage BBQs and of course expert testimony appearances in both the Republican held House and Senate committees.

The name of the duo has not yet be released awaiting input from their fans. Fans like you. A few names have been tossed around:  Darren and the Zimmermans and WBA – White Boys with Attitudes. The discography of their songs is not yet been decided, again waiting for suggestions from fans like you.

At this time there is no confirmation to the rumors that OJ Simpson will be joining the duo to make it a trio.

Both men will be wearing full body armor with security provided by white members of local, county and state police agencies. They are both presently in training at a Florida dance academy for their upcoming spots on Dancing with the Stars.

When not on tour they, as is the case with Mark Furman, will be paid by Fox News as visiting Negro experts.