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Jimmy Fallon, Bill O’Reilly on Ferguson Verdict: That’s Crazy!


Jimmy Fallon, Bill O'Reilly on Ferguson Verdict: That's Crazy!

Bill O’Reilly dropped by The Tonight Show to flog his latest “killing” book, and Ferguson just happened to be in the news. Jimmy Fallon gave O’Reilly free rein to opine on the violent response to the verdict. “These kinds of stories just  divide us” said O’Reilly, as if it is a tale which might be best kept under wraps, perhaps?
O’Reilly was somewhat more sympathetic to protesters, allowing that some African Americans might feel the justice system does not give them a fair shake. “I get that things don’t get better unless you protest, but don’t burn down someone’s store.”
I hate it when he’s reasonable. I believe this may have been the first time…But it was only a brief spell of clarity, so everything is right in the world once again.

Jimmy Fallon wondered at the wisdom of announcing the verdict at eight o’clock at night. To that, O’Reilly expressed the educated opinion that the prosecutor was attempting to ‘get his case in front of the country in prime time’ – as if it made all the sense in the world.   Jimmy understandably declared “Oh my gawd, that’s crazy!”

The two touched on Bill’s recent interests which include a  conspiracy theory in which O’Reilly claims the KGB and the United States combined forces to kill General Patton. He was such a force of nature, it took two major powers to kill the man.  No conspiracy nut is O’Reilly. He reminds us that he completely buys the ‘magic bullet’ theory in the Kennedy assassination…So this is the real deal. Whatever it is, it is the biggest peek under the covers I’ve seen so far.

Bill and Jimmy took part in some lighthearted holiday banter, in which we’re reminded of Bill’s Dickensian childhood – there is some dispute about this version of little Bill’s upbringing.  However, there is no question that  curmudgeonly Uncle Bill can loudly hold forth on the nature of  picky, spoiled epicurean kids today!
I can’t tell if he is kidding or serious, but if I were a kid dropped at his house, I’d be quaking under the kid’s table – right through dessert!