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Dealing with Cliven Bundy & Militia Terrorists, Napalm

Cliven Bundy's militia terrorists

After seeing this photo and many others like it filled with militia terrorists taking aim on local police, county police, state police and federal police with military assault rifles and sniper rifles I was reminded not only of what would have happened had this been African Americans in the the inner city pointing guns at the police, MOVE, but it also brought to mind the sweet smell of Napalm in the morning.

These gun enthusiasts are allowing 1000 cows to take a crap on our front lawn without cleaning it up. And there is not much worse than that in our suburban neighborhoods. Well other than the potholes.

We need to firmly explain to these gun enthusiasts that their guns are not going to work in overthrowing the government or in the destruction of the rule of law when they are up against battleships, aircraft carriers, Blackhawk helicopters, Cruise Missiles, tanks, Navy Seals and so forth. As this is the Nevada desert where little collateral damage can ensue, how about dropping Napalm on this bridge full of American terrorists to help them understand? Instead of oriental little girls running clothless on fire, how about trying it on some white males in the NRA? Just to see if it works.

I know, I know, like all cowards they are hiding behind women and children. Well so what. The children are going to be home schooled to soon join these terrorist militias. So let’s get on the ball, remove our mom pants, take off our shirts and do what Putin would do, a real leader plying real leadership in the real world.

In fact all morning all I have heard is how President Obama has to be more like Putin. And so do all those wussies over there in socialist Europe. Especially that Merkle babe. Where socialist Germany is the most successful nation on Earth. Oh no, you know how that goes…