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Deja Vu all over again, Hillary Clinton vs Jeb Bush

clinton vs bush

It will be a brutal primary for Jeb Bush. The Republican Base is full square under the spell of Ted Cruz. And then there is nitwit Rand Paul who can get the GOP youth vote. And the preachers Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum and Ben Carson with personal relationships with Jesus Christ that transcend both the Constitution and the United States. And some batpoop crazy woman who has yet to throw her panties into the ring.

Jeb Bush has serious problems. He wants to make our kids smarter, even in the South (common core). He is for comprehensive immigration reform (sucking up to Hispanics) and does not deny global warming. Well so far anyway… All that may change shortly.

Lots of naysayers recently on Hillary’s success too. But I think that’s just something to talk about. After all, she will have over 70% of Hispanics, 95% blacks and far more women than usual with so quite a few GOP ladies crossing the line. But wait… No white men at all other than Bill and I. So there is that.

I would like to see Democratic primary debates with Mrs Warren and Bernie on stage with Hillary. Perhaps some laughs along with the politics.