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Denial in the Rose Garden Press Conference

Me! Me! Memememe!
Ok Rack, this is your shot.
Mr. President, you dumped Rumsfeld three years late, and only as a political election placation at that. You just said this election was not about Iraq but about good campaigning and bad election laws regarding write-in ballots. In fact four days ago you were in my neck of the red, giving write-in lessons to the Republican who lost here. At that rally you plainly stated that the Republicans would keep both houses of congress.
Get to the point, if you have one.
Yes Sir. The point is if you could be so utterly wrong about the outcome of this election, couldn’t you also be just as  utterly wrong about other things?
As usual Rack your question suffers your personal enkrypton, which I am sure neither nor anyone knows what the heck you are getting at. Brit, what’s your question?