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Don and Vlad TRUMP YOU UP!

Don and Vlad TRUMP YOU UP!

I happened to watch the Doral Press Conference live and was more set aback with the start of it when P T Barnum went on and on about the DNC, the Democratic convention and Hillary Clinton making changes in presentations and policy “because of ME” than I was when he asked Russian Hackers to find Hillary’s emails as Secretary of state. The narcissism and vindictiveness of this buffoon goes off the charts into if not insanity at least a serious mental illness.

On the bright side I firmly believe that what people say to pollsters is not what they will do alone in the voting booth. To think that 45% of American voters are that racist, sexist and stupid is just too depressing to think about. Not to mention their home arsenals.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” Donald Trump July 27 2016

“Vladamir Putin is a much better leader than Barack Obama.” Donald Trump again and again on July 26 2016

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets, we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia” Trump’s son, Donald Jr 2008.

While doing quotes here let me throw out the most egregious example of what epitomizes the problem with the press playing moral equivalency to gain share, and this from a liberal leaning reporter at the New York Times:

“Donald Trump is flawed and Hillary Clinton is equally flawed.” Nicholas Confessore on MSNBC during the Democratic convention. MY GOD MAN!

This morning on MSNBC Joe agreed that Barack Obama made a wonderful optimistic speech even better than the First Lady did on day one. He asked why then is there such an enormous attraction to Donald Trump among the white working class?  The seven white people on camera in that bar explained it was all about jobs and not being paid attention to, nativism, anti-immigration, bigotry, racism and “poorly educated” were never even hinted at, and most of the seven were liberals.

It is why places like this are needed, even though thousands of websites like this have fallen away over the past three years, not only because of changes in Google Search but Google Adsense changing log rhythms to benefit the only those websites that can afford a team of $100,000 a year SEO techs is not the only problem, but the fall of mom and pop websites like this is more about the the rise Facebook, Twitter and mobile.

Other than a few hanger-ons like this, only the corporate backed sites survive, but even they are in trouble as you notice them all begging for money, the intrusive pop ups and blaring videos in your face. And if providers get their way on net neutrality, like television, this medium will become controlled totally by corporations. A very few corporations.