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Donald Trump calls Gregory Cheadle “My African American over there”

Donald Trump calls Gregory Cheadle "My African American over there"“To give the black folk the time of the day, I was happy,” Gregory Cheadle said he was gratified and proud that someone like Trump would acknowledge him in an all white audience, which is about all Donald Trump will do for African Americans, give them the time of day, for a nominal fee.

Gregory Cheadle is running for Congress in the 1st district of California as a Republican. He is presently a real estate agent who specializes in building luxury playhouses. He recently got a law degree.

I see the plan!

Get elected to congress, then appointed to the federal appeals court and become the replacement in body and soul for Clarence Slappy Thomas.

The picture of Trump pointing out “his” African American is rather small, so here is a bigger more memorable photo of Gregory Cheadle.

 Donald Trump calls Gregory Cheadle "My African American over there"