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Donald Trump now King of The Birthers on Geraldo

The politics of this seems simple on the surface. Why should a black president be forced to show his birth certificate when white ones have not? And of course by not doing so Republican CLOWNS like Donald Trump get the much deserved press that they are indeed Republican Clowns. 

But most Republicans – it is now 51% – believe the BLACK president in the WHITE House is foreign born. 0% thought George W. Bush was foreign born. Why would that be ya think? I was recently invited to a Facebook group People Against Racists That Think They’re Not Racists  that seems to hit the nail on just what this is all about.

Conservative columnist David Brooks defended accusations of Republican racism on Bill Maher’s Real Time last Friday night by saying he had med with many many Republican politicians over many many years has never heard any of them overtly use racist language! So there you have it! Because Republican politicians do not express their racism to journalists who write down and publish whatever they say, Republicans are not racists! So that is now settled…