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Donald Trump stars in a creature walks among us

Donald Trump stars in a creature walks among usHe lives among us and those who fall asleep end up slithering out of giant pods of okra to follow the creature to the nearest Cracker Barrel, expect the creature to nuke China before it manages to get that wall Mexico will pay for done. Is that wall to keep Mexicans our or Americans in?

Whenever The Donald’s name comes up my mind goes to Cleveland.

In the Summer of 1968 mostly college students angry about the draft marched toward the convention center in Chicago with headbands and denim, in Cleveland this Summer of 2016 white trash will be marching toward the convention center with baseball caps and guns.  If nothing else this should redeem the 1968 Democratic convention.

Is “The Donald” the best nickname we can come up with for this silly fascist?  Come on.  What with the silliest fascist of them all “El Duce” should be the name that sticks.

One of the big moments of Real Time last Friday night was the between Bill Maher and conservative pundit Kellyanne Conway in the most used talk radio/Fox News crap that steams of the very same political correctness Republicans have based a generation of politics and this election upon.

One cannot infer any Republican is a racist or call Trump fans stupid rubes. YOU CANNOT DO THAT!  It is against the Republican PC rules.