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Don’t Arrest Me, I’m a Republican, Demands Obnoxious Drunk Mom!

Pro Romney Charlene Hunsiker, Arrested as drunk and disorderly: Don't arrest me I'm a Republican and a good mom!
It’s a liberal conspiracy to arrest Republican Moms, the virtuous flower of the American home!  That’s  Rush Limbaugh’s take away from the story of drunk and loud Charlene Hunsiker, who  bellered the virtues of Mitt Romney, and screeched that Obama is ruining our country in an Iowa PJ Changs.  Other diners were frightened and called police.

When police arrived, no  explanation was necessary once the blowsy campaigner informed them that she was a Republican…A little known ‘get out of jail free card.’ Police were also unimpressed with her selfless dedication to her children.  “I don’t need to be here. I’m doing this because I’m a GOOD MOTHER!” Climb into the binder Ma’am, we’re taking you downtown.