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Dont Do This At Company Holiday Parties

What Not To Do At Your Company Holiday Party

We’re entering peak office holiday party season. So in order to show you how not to behave at this year’s big bash, comedians from The Upright Citizen’s Brigade join Fast Company to bring you this holiday public service announcement. If you follow these handy guidelines you may manage to hold onto your dignity and your job. Actually, most of these tips are advisable all year ’round.  People may have encouraged you to ‘sing like no one is listening and to dance like no one is watching.’ They should have added – ‘In your own room.’ You don’t want to see it on the internet tomorrow.

The takeaway: Enjoy yourself—but for your sake and for the sake of your HR department, don’t enjoy yourself that much. Because ‘time is only a flat circle’ when you’ve had too much to drink, and you don’t want to ask the CEO to hold your hair while you get sick in the potted palm