Muslim Brotherhood. A pan Arab organization founded in 1928 as "A Muslim political organization to achieve its goals through NON VIOLENT means." Has officially condemned al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, terrorism and 911. Its goals are to return Islamic nations back to religious fundamentalism inherent in the Koran which is the Word of the God. Anyone know of any organizations who what their nation returned to the religious fundamentalism inherent in the Bible which is the Word of God. Anyone at all in the Republican Party see the issue here? I thought not.
The NRA. An American organization that boasts of its promotion of violence and the use of deadly force by every man, woman and child in America as their constitutional RIGHT to shoot and kill who and what they please. The NRA refused to condemn violence, military assault rifles, 30 round clips, cop killer bullets, background checks and unregulated gun sales at guns shows. Anyone at all in the Republican Party see the issue here? I thought not.