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Embarrassing Mom Stories . Remember Mother’s Day, Sunday May 12: Jimmy Kimmel

Embarrassing Mom Stories Jimmy Kimmel. Remember Mother's Day, Sunday May 12

Jimmy reminds us to celebrate moms this Sunday…IF you must narrow it down to one mere day in 365. Pretty good guilt for a non-mom, hey?  ; )
In honor of the things moms have done for us and to us, Jimmy’s staff asks ‘kids’ on Hollywood Blvd. what their mothers have done that was – or is, so embarrassing that they still recoil in horror at the mere memory.

As you’ll see, most mothers  are only too happy to demonstrate the cheek-pinching, gushy, kissy or talkative behavior that makes their offspring cringe. Still other moms get the surprise of their lives, when they learn that their own behavior is less than cool.