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End of the World brings Rapture and zombies says Harold Camping

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Today is the day! As an online power shopper, I’ve been searching for some terrific End of the World sales, but merchandisers – even Christian bookstores, seem to be hedging their bets.

After all, this isn’t the first time that 89-year-old Harold Camping, Founder of the multi million dollar Oakland based Family Radio has ‘miscalculated,’ which raises questions for me. Why do some followers give away all of their worldly goods for Harold’s predicted Rapture Days, yet his church continues to rake in piles of money? Has Camping devised a way to take the cash with him where he’s going?

Barbara Rossing, a professor of the New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology joins O’Donnell to answer practical questions. I’m fascinated by what Camping believes he will see on TV. It completely jibes with the CDC warning about zombies, so bear that in mind when planning your End of the World Parties!

As my friend Rack Jite so often says, 100% of those who have predicted the end of the world have been 100% wrong 100% of the time.